Connect with your audience.

With YTConnect, creators grow their viewership and increase their earnings. YTConnect's premium Analysis Engine provides fast, accurate, and actionable insights to connect creators with their audience.

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What Makes YTConnect Different

Actionable Comment Insights

Uncover your viewers' needs, and take action to stay connected and deliver the best content.

Actionable Comment Insights

Improve and Grow

Connecting at Scale

Filter and Moderate

Connecting at Scale

Simplify comment section curation so you can focus on your community.

How YTConnect Helps You

Connect With Your Audience

Understand your viewers

Understand your viewers

Comment insights highlight viewer sentiment, personal experiences, and emerging trends.
Drive future growth

Drive future growth

Never miss out on an opportunity to improve with actionable feedback gathered at your fingertips.
Nuture your community

Nuture your community

Review flagged comments flagged as spam or objectionable, and wipe them with a click of a button.
Handle more comments

Handle more comments

Keep in touch with your commenters in a manner which scales - no need to drink from the firehose.

Get The App

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